Accounts & Leads

Track your new customer leads and daily interactions with current customers in a central place.


Account Information

Welcome to Brilliance CRM, your all-in-one solution for managing your customers, leads, and vendors with ease and efficiency. Our powerful Accounts module is designed to provide a comprehensive view of all your business relationships, ensuring you have the insights you need to drive growth and foster strong connections.

The Accounts module in Brilliance CRM allows you to track your customers seamlessly, capturing detailed information about each interaction and transaction. With robust data management capabilities, you can store essential contact details, purchase history, communication logs, and preferences, giving you a complete picture of each customer. This holistic approach enables you to personalize your interactions, anticipate customer needs, and enhance satisfaction and loyalty.

In addition to managing customers, Brilliance CRM excels at tracking leads throughout the sales pipeline. The Accounts module provides tools to capture and nurture leads from initial contact through to conversion. You can easily assign leads to sales representatives, set follow-up tasks, and monitor progress with intuitive dashboards and reports. This ensures that no opportunity slips through the cracks and that your sales team can focus on closing deals and driving revenue.

Brilliance CRM also offers robust vendor management capabilities within the Accounts module. By centralizing vendor information, you can efficiently manage supplier relationships, track orders, and monitor performance. The module allows you to store contracts, negotiate terms, and keep a history of all interactions, ensuring that your procurement processes are streamlined and transparent.

With Brilliance CRM’s Accounts module, you gain a powerful tool for tracking and managing all your key business relationships. Our user-friendly interface and advanced features make it easy to stay organized, improve communication, and make informed decisions. Whether you’re focusing on customer retention, lead generation, or vendor management, Brilliance CRM equips you with the insights and tools you need to succeed. Experience the brilliance of a truly integrated CRM solution and elevate your business to new heights.

Account Screen Screenshots

Click on the thumbnails to see a full version of the module screen shots. (best viewed on tablet/desktop)

Key Features For Accounts

  • Track Necessary Business Information
  • Addresses: Full address functionality along with the ability to set "Do Not Market" controls (emails, mail, SMS, texts, etc.)
    • Phones
    • Email Addresses
    • Dates (with reminders)
    • Links (URLs)
    • Cards (with reminders)
    • Demographics
    • Members
    • Additional Information
    • Custom Fields (with reminders)
  • Send and log emails
  • Marketing
  • Control Access To The Portal Dashboard
  • Business Link Pages (similar to